Friday, September 28, 2012

Mine your own business!

So this week in the garden I was excited to see that my little seedlings have grown so much! But also, I saw some pests have invaded!

Though the entomologist in me thinks leaf miners are totally awesome, I don't want them on my peppers!

I've noticed quite a few ant piles since I've started, and I'm amazed at how fast they move locations. I was assured they wouldn't really have an effect on my plants, but their presence definitely makes me more cautious when working on my garden.

I was glad to see all my transplants have survived and are getting big!

Seeing my seedlings grow bigger was by far the best part of this week. My zucchini is getting huge, and my basil has sprouted!

So this week in the garden, we did our normal weeding and biweekly fertilizing. We also got to plant our peas, and had the opportunity to replace any of our plants that haven't yet sprouted with a new seed. I had one okra that didn't sprout, so I'm happy I got to replace it.

In class we talked about the things that plants need to grow, such as water and climate conditions. This was interesting for me as a botany major, because I know a lot about what plants need to grow, but I have not done any practical work in growing my own plants. We talked about frost time, and how gardens need to be started at different times depending on what climate you live in. 

I'm glad I finally got pictures up of my garden!

Looking forward to more next week!

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